Benefits Of Couples Therapy: The Perks Of Knowing About Couples Therapy

Could marriage counseling heal pain and help couples in dealing with misery?

Let’s talk about how we can help deal with marriage problems.

Can marriage counseling heal pain and misery?


Benefits Of Couples Therapy

A committed marriage is a lifelong partnership that links two people around their most fundamental wishes and wants so that the two people involved can flourish as individuals and as a couple,” according to Catherine Aponte Psy.D.

The truth is there is no perfect relationship in this world, and no one person or party involved is void of mistakes. Even a healthy relationship has ups and downs, and partners tend to fight. This is the primary reason why every couple needs to have a better understanding of each other. When they fail to do this process, there is a high possibility that their own relationship could not resolve roadblocks. What could be the root causes? Stress? Infidelity?

Benefits Of Couples Therapy For Married People Who are Facing Relationship Problems

Fortunately, there are several ways in which people could solve the issues with a lack of communication skills, problems with personal growth, or concerns in their relationship dynamics with others. One just knows about a deeper understanding of mental health and healthy long-term relationships. 

Improving your communication skills is like adding a sounding board while you’re speaking — it amplifies your thoughts.

One of the most effective counseling methods used by many people is relationship counseling. This form of therapy can help with challenges, conflict, stress, avoidance, respect issues, and even intimate difficulties.

They hire the services of a therapist or family therapist to help them in improving communication skills, sex life, personal growth, self-awareness, and other committed relationship problems. In the end, they become the best version of themselves.

As long as both sides exert an effort, relationship therapy can help bring out and support a positive perspective suited for a healthy commitment. It can aid partners in facing their relationship problems.

Encourages Practical And Good Communication Patterns


Practical and good communication patterns are essential to attain relationship satisfaction. Without this crucial component, the marriage is bound to fail, according to emotionally focused therapy experts.

Sometimes, married couples grow away from each other to the point that they would no longer talk about the topics that interest them. To solve this problem, all that they need to do is find the best marital therapy/family therapy expert in town and reap its most important advantages.

There are many advantages of relationship therapy these include improving communication, fixing financial goals, strong social relationships,

With the assistance of relationship therapy, they could benefit from ways they can talk more and express their underlying issues to each other in a safe space / supportive environment.

When struggling partners can effectively communicate, they will have a better understanding of each other. They’ll be on the same page working on their past issues in their relationship. The treatment can even resolve trust issues, intimacy problems, pent-up feelings, and gapped connections.

“If you’re angry, sad, or hurt, that’s information your husband needs to know.”
The next time you have a bad day at work, send a warning text before you get home, Dr. Michelle Golland, PsyD suggests.

It Aims To Bring Back Lost Trust and Intimacy Between Husband And Wife

The longer a husband and a wife stay in a relationship, the more they forget the importance of spending time with each other. The reason for this is that they have so many priorities in mind, or they find it difficult to have a work-life balance. Luckily, marriage therapy creates an impact and addresses the trouble right away as there’s a neutral third party involved.

Prevents Messy Divorces And Decreases The Rate Of Divorce

One of the best benefits of couples therapy is that it decreases the rate of divorce in the United States without depleting the client’s finances.

A lot of people believe that whenever there are tons of irreconcilable differences in the marriage, they can simply file a divorce and deal with their separate lives. Well, this is a sad and wrong view. Even if the marriage is already on the brink of failure, there is still something that the spouses can do.

The counselor can inspire them to have a re-assessment of their relationship and determination of the strengths or weaknesses of each spouse. The therapy sessions with a therapist will help with communication skills, physical synchronization, awareness of one’s emotions, issues with traumatic events, and improved decision outcomes.

a couple's hand


Do Not Give Up Just Yet – Ask For Help Or Assistance To Get Thing Resolved

Andrea F. Polard Psy.D. says that you have to open your eyes and make everyday life magical, while you can.

“Pay attention to your partner in the first ten minutes after you wake up and when you reunite later in the day. Smile at your partner for a few seconds longer. Ask how he feels. Tell him how much you love him. Listen carefully. Kiss and embrace your partners. You might be surprised, but this is a scientifically proven way to turn things around dramatically.”

If you feel your marriage is going down the drain, do not give up just yet. Try to contact a relationship counselor for help or assistance to get things resolved and lead you to a better path. Their advice will prove to be beneficial and helpful for your relationship. Give it a try and see what will happen next. Who knows, you might even gain a new perspective on your relationship. 

Frequently Asked Questions On Couples Therapy

  • What Is The Most Common Problem Addressed In Marriage Counseling?

  • What Questions Do They Ask In Relationship Counseling?

  • How Can Marriage Counseling Improve Their Relationship?

  • What do you talk about in relationship therapy?
  • Does counseling improve relationships?
  • Is relationship counseling a good idea?
  • What is the best relationship counseling method?
  • How do you identify if relationship counseling is working?
  • How effective is relationship counseling?
  • What is the advantage of marriage counseling?
  • What not to say in relationship therapy?
  • What is the most common problem addressed in relationship therapy?
  • How do you win at relationship therapy?
  • How do I prepare for the first session of relationship therapy?
  • How many times should we go to relationship therapy?

Overcoming Gambling Addiction


Risking your money and properties with a relatively small probability of winning is a harmless pleasure, probably for some people. Little do these gamblers know that the only consequences of staking a large sum are either losing a bunch or developing a compulsive behavior known as gambling addiction. “Genetics play a role but growing evidence shows gambling disorder is also tied to the dopamine reward system in the brain. Different gamblers have different experiences but one of the things you see in process addictions like gambling is that much of the reward comes not from winning but from the possibility of winning,” according to Dr. David Sack, a psychiatrist.

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How To Assist Kids In Dealing With Trauma And Stress – Part 1

Children can feel aggravated and fearful emotions when they experience a traumatic event such as a natural disaster or when they see disturbing images on TV or the Internet. “To be diagnosed with PTSD, you usually have to be directly affected by the traumatic event, believing that your own life or those you care about are in danger,” says psychiatrist Elspeth Cameron Ritchie, MD, chief of psychiatry at Medstar Washington Hospital Center. In this article, we will provide advice on how to help kids cope with trauma and stress.

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Quick Food Guide For People Recovering From An Eating Disorder


Therapists are used to dealing with people with different mental disorders. Hundreds of individuals have probably come to visit one throughout their career. Not to mention, there are also folks who have various forms of addiction, bipolar and personality disorders, etc., which may be impossible to recover from without professional help. Nevertheless, one of the trickiest mental illnesses to overcome is an eating disorder. According to eating disorder specialist Nicole Pipitone, MAAT, LPC, “Eating disorders are one of the most complex disorders, and have the highest mortality rate of any other psychiatric illness.“

If the problem has something to do with drugs or alcohol, for instance, the easiest way to get over them is by not hanging around people who use and abuse such substances. In case you are depressed, you need to go out of your room and be with your loved ones more often. However, when you have an eating disorder, food is practically everywhere, so it can be difficult to mend your relationship with it. That is especially true if your original goal is to lose weight and show your detractors that you will not be obese forever.

Now, if you genuinely want to heal from such a disorder and help your therapist help you, here’s a quick food guide that you can follow.

What Can I Eat?

As what psychologist Lauren Muhlheim PsyD said, “Many patients with eating disorders will only eat a restricted range of foods.” These days, there are lots of products in the market that are made for burning your body fats, but very few of them work. Most of the labeled products say that they do not have saturated fats, but it is the opposite in a lot of other foods. In truth, they are filled with this kind of fat which is very harmful to any person who is going to digest it. However, even if that’s the case, there are still a few fat burning foods which are effective for burning the extra fat in the body.


Millets & Peanuts

Foods that contain fibers are the ones which are always useful for burning fat. Fiber-rich foods like millets and peanuts absorb cholesterol and help to emulsify extra fat in the human body. Just to digest this type of food, we have to burn a good amount of calories, which can also help us to burn unwanted fats.


Every morning, just take a tablespoon of honey with warm water so that the extra fats will be burned while you are getting extra energy for your body.


Garlic contains anti-bacterial compounds such as sulfur, which helps to reduce excess fat and cholesterol, making it a sufficient fat-burning food.


Chilis are filled with capsicum, a component which helps to increase the metabolism of the human body. You should know that when the metabolism increases, the burning of the extra fats in our body also increases. This is the reason why you should eat chilies if you are looking for a fat-burning food.


Curry Leaves

Curry leaves can directly help our body to burn unwanted fats. Aside from that, curry leaves works as a good eliminator of some harmful toxins in the body as well.

Dark Chocolate

Stress is responsible for low metabolism of the human body; that’s why stressed people often get extra fat and weight gain. Scientifically speaking, it is now proven that daily consumption of 1-2 tablespoon of dark chocolate reduces our stress. Hence, it is also a valuable food for burning fats.

Sesame Seeds

After a long time of doing researches, it has been found out that liver enzymes and some essential fatty acids increase the metabolism of our body and burn extra fat cholesterol. Luckily, sesame seeds are filled with essential fatty acids to help improve the liver enzymes and are therefore the kind of food that should be taken by someone who wants to flush out his or her extra body fats.



According to scientists, smoothies can also help you to burn the additional fats in your body. Smoothies can make the satiety hormones more active, and that is a good thing because it is the hormone that is responsible for burning fat. A glass of smoothie a day will be useful to burn your fats away.

Yellow Bell Peppers

Vitamin C deficiency is also responsible for gaining extra fat in the human body. Vitamin C produces a compound called carnitine, which is very important for burning excess fat. Carnitine helps our muscles to function, and it can turn those fats to the energy that can be used by our body.

Final Thoughts

Recovery from an eating disorder can be challenging”, states Marriage and family therapist Susan Cowden, MS. I know that overcoming an eating disorder is not as easy as changing clothes. You will mostly have to deal with yourself, which you may or may not like due to your weight issues. Despite that, you merely have to lean on your therapist for support for a while, as well as your friends and family. This way, you increase your chances of recovering from the disorder.

Good luck!

Recovering From A Traumatic Experience Through A Counselor

Trauma is the result of stressful experiences such as prolonged abuse, violence, road accidents, serious illnesses, and natural disasters. The experience can leave a long-lasting effect on your body by increasing its defenses and creating a defense response when you face a similar situation. According to Kathleen Smith, PhD, LPC, “Sometimes they will experience memories or “flashbacks” of the event, or they may have nightmares about it that feel very real.” It pushes your body into a fight-or-flight condition that causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate and loss of appetite. The psychology of trauma is a delicate topic that leads to mental health problems such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorders.


One of the most productive means of mitigating the symptoms and effects of such experiences is through the help of a counselor. There are specialists known as trauma counselors who help people with such a condition. They provide means to help an individual address, come to terms with, and face their past experiences from these traumatic events. Each of their treatment plans is different and may take months or longer to help a patient fully.

However, becoming a trauma counselor is no easy feat. Those who take up a degree in psychology or sociology can end up as a trauma counselor. They’re required to go to a graduate school under a program that is concerned with trauma or psychology. Also, upon graduation, a license is necessary for them to pursue this job. Experience is one of the hardest things for them to gain since they don’t get too much exposure from their internship. Also, they require skills such as patience, control over emotions, and keen attention to detail in dealing with their patients.

Why See A Counselor?

“People with PTSD should seek out treatment with a mental health professional — such as a psychologist or therapist — who has specific experience and background in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder,” according to John M. Grohol, Psy.D. When the trauma is too much to handle to the point that you compromise your daily activities, seeking professional help may be necessary. Seeing a trauma counselor has many benefits. Here are three reasons why.


  • Experience And Training

They underwent training in dealing with people from a broad spectrum of traumatic experiences. It may be something frequent, such as prolonged abuse, or something not many experience, like war and traumatic accidents. Given the experience and training they had for dealing with such cases, they can provide the most appropriate treatment plans to help an individual recover at the pace they need to.

  • The Person Who Listens To You

Not all of us have a person to talk to; if ever you do, there are times that you prefer to keep these stories to yourself. If you fear judgment or feel uncomfortable sharing such experiences to anyone, this may serve as your best outlet. Sometimes it is necessary to talk to someone to release the pent up feelings you’ve had. Keeping everything within may cause you to explode someday. Through them, you can remain confidential and lose that fear of judgment.

  • Treatment Plans

Trauma counselors design the most appropriate and effective treatment plans for their patients. After hearing what their patient is going through, they set up a scheme that best tackles both the root cause of the experiences and means to deal with it if ever the symptoms start to show once again. These treatments help you improve and deal with your symptoms and restore your self-esteem.

Having Difficulties Seeing One?

If you’re having difficulties in getting an appointment for a trauma counselor or don’t think that your condition is severe, you may consider self-treatment. However, this is a complicated procedure that requires the utmost patience. Here are step-by-step plans you can take.


  1. Break free from your sense of hopelessness. Sometimes, when you get the desire to depend on something like drugs or alcohol, you should learn to stop it. By depending on these substances, you may only be contributing to worsening your condition. It is necessary that you have self-control on the things you want to do.
  2. After getting over your dependence on such substances, try to start depending on yourself. Sometimes all you need is a pastime or activity which can help get your mind over such worries. If you’re currently working with a mental health provider, it may also be important to let him or her know that you’re interested in starting an exercise program,” states Matthew Tull, PhD. Try new activities such as sports, writing, or exercise. These can serve as an outlet for all your fears.
  3. You can then seek someone to talk to if ever you have enough courage and trust to share your experiences with them. Who knows? Maybe they are going through the same situation. They may also offer useful advice that can help improve your condition. Don’t limit this to your friends; try joining support groups or volunteering.

These may serve as a temporary means in dealing with your condition. Should things get worse or hard to handle, it is best to seek professional help.