Never Think Twice! Eating Disorder Is A Serious Medical Condition




They say, “We are what we eat,” but sometimes, you are how you eat! The manner of how you eat can affect your overall wellbeing. Food is just one of the few things that our body takes in, just like air and water.

Many people think that a person is healthy when he looks healthy, but there are certain conditions where physical symptoms are not visible in the early onset. Eating disorders are severe medical conditions that affect us physiologically. It affects people of any age but mostly occurs during teenage years or young adulthood. It is attributed to the pressure of society to look thin just like the underwear models we see on TV.

Teenagers and young adults are prone to peer pressure and fragile to what others think about their weight and how they look. Eating disorders can affect a person regardless of the gender. In a sense, people with EDs lack self-love, as well. “People high in self-love nourish themselves daily through healthy activities, like sound nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, intimacy and healthy social interactions,” says Deborah Khoshaba Psy.D. If you love yourself, you will “nourish” your body, which is the exact opposite of those with EDs.




What Are The Types Of Eating Disorders? 

  • Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Vermosa is a severe eating disorder. A person affected by this condition tends to have a paranoia about his weight. He has a firm belief that he is overweight when he seriously looks underweight. People who suffer from anorexia limit their food intake. As a result, the body does not get the proper nourishment it needs to function appropriately. It can lead to multi-organ failure or if left untreated, death.

Anorexia Vermosa is a severe eating disorder. A person affected by this condition tends to have a paranoia about his weight. He has a firm belief that he is overweight when he seriously looks underweight. People who suffer from anorexia limit their food intake. As a result, the body does not get the proper nourishment it needs to function appropriately. It can lead to multi-organ failure or if left untreated, death.


  • Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa is a type of eating disorder where the person is very conscious of his weight and shape but has a tendency to plunge into compulsive eating. They often do this secretly to avoid shame. They know that people are aware of their desire to be in great shape, and they are worried that people will judge them. People who suffer from bulimia have a guilt feeling after compulsive eating. They would shove their finger down their throat to vomit, do excessive exercise, and take as many meds to try and burn what they ate.


  • Binge Eating Disorder

 Binge eating disorder is the eating disorder of people who are most likely obese. They cannot control compulsive and excessive eating due to mental health issues including depression and anxiety. It could also be somewhat related to stress-eating where a person turns to excessive food consumption or giving into a craving to feel better about something. Food serves as comfort and relief.

“Both anorexia and bulimia are fueled by an obsessive desire for thinness, which results in dangerous behaviors, such as repeated vomiting and/or self-starvation, to reach the person’s subjective ideal. People who engage in binge eating may or may not be excessively concerned with their appearance. And although binge eating disorder is a risk factor for obesity, not all binge eaters are obese and not all obese people binge on food,” says Monnica T Williams Ph.D.

What Is The Treatment Course For Eating Disorders?

  • Nutrition

The physical aspect must be returned to its optimum state, and this is done be nourishing the body with the lacking nutrients.


  • Medication

It is vital to determine if any consequential damages might have occurred. The essential parts of the body should be tested and monitored to ascertain proper function. Medications are prescribed accordingly.


  • Counseling And Therapy

An eating disorder is considered a mental health disorder; therefore, it is necessary to address the issues surrounding the problem that might have caused issues like anxiety and depression. Counseling and therapy are conducted to regain a healthy state mentally and emotionally.




“You want to love and accept yourself – Many people have difficulty with this, and they’re not necessarily depressed or afflicted with another mental disorder. Therapy can help you explore roadblocks to self-esteem and teach you practical ways to make your happiness a priority,” says Ryan Howes PhD, ABPP. If you have an eating disorder, the root cause of it all is self-control and a weak sense of self-love. with therapy, it can be revived.

Treatment consists of several approaches, each one designed to address a different aspect namely physical, mental, and emotional. Sometimes eating disorders are caused or can cause anxiety and depression. A consultation with a knowledgeable medical care provider is essential as soon as you find abnormalities in your eating pattern to prevent worsening of the condition.