Take Your Time To Be Successful


Source: florizelmedia.com

Breathe in, breathe out. When you get caught up in life, and you feel like success is getting farther and farther from your reach, breathe. Take your time to think, and assess your life honestly without prejudice. Look at yourself from someone else’s perception. As what Catherine Moore, Psychologist, MBA said, “With the right mindset, it may be possible to handle challenges better and pursue success without getting down on yourself.”

Are you using your time wisely?

Are you putting all your effort to be better?

Do you have your priorities straight?

Do you do your best?

Do you deserve to be successful?

If you answered yes to all these questions, then it’s just a matter of time. Continue doing what you are doing, or strive to do and be better. It doesn’t hurt to surpass the person you were yesterday. “Showing up, being present, being on time says, “I am worth your time, and you are worth mine,” according to Michael J. Formica MS, MA, EdM.

If your answer to one or more questions above is no, then you have to pause and take your time. Re-evaluate yourself – your goals, and priorities.

Source: rd.com

Take Your Time To Know Yourself

Take time to discover your strengths and weaknesses. By this time, you might already know what you’re good at, but don’t stop there. Your limitation is the limit you set for yourself. Develop different skills, improve your personality, and nourish your relationships. Know yourself not for what you already are but what you can be.


Take Your Time To Know Your Priorities

Know your priorities. It is essential in determining your happiness. Never cling to the definition of success based on our society. Success and happiness are defined by no other than you. You can’t have the same priorities as everyone else. Some give more importance to career, love, friendship, and some to the family. “In order to find the career that is right fit for you, you must first get in touch with your 4 P’s – passion, personality, preferences and principles,” shares Jamie Lewis Smith, PhD.


Take Your Time To Set Your Goals

Focus on what you want to achieve in life, whether it’s a successful career, a small cabin, a luxurious car, or a cruise with the family. It doesn’t matter. It is you who know what you want and the only one who can make it happen. Use an affirmation every day to help you remember.


Take Your Time To Think Positively

Don’t let anything stop you from becoming the person you want to be. Never waste your time feeling sad about mistakes. Take time to ponder and learn from your failures, but never make them the center of your life. They are meant to be the path towards success, and you don’t stay in the pathway. You move forward.


Take Your Time To Make It All Happen

Dedicate your time and effort in improving yourself. Check for tips here in Mom365 and Mother.Ly. Invest in your development and learning, because these are your only tools on your journey towards success. You use your knowledge in dealing with everyday challenges and your skills in daily tasks. Take time to be the best that you can be, because being successful is not about being the best among everybody else but being the best version of yourself.

Source: files.wordpress.com

Time is our only real possession in life. Some people are successful because they make proper use of it based on their perception of what success is. We direct our path to where we want, and it takes time to get there. Life is never about the beginning and the end. What matters is what you do in between.