The Hidden Signs of Depression That No One Ever Talks About

As I repeatedly attempt to understand myself, especially the changes I make with my every behavior and the things I hold on to, I often go back to the mental illness I once experienced. It was a long and tiring battle that I thanked God for overcoming. I didn’t know what was going on and what I should do, honestly. I was dealing with such emotional and mental pain and agony that somehow slowly killed me inside. There was agitation, exhaustion, nervousness, emotional dilemma, fatigue, severe or persistent tiredness, other physical symptoms like backache, chronic pain conditions, and all sorts of negativity that put a lot of weight on my overall wellness. It was a disaster and a crucial part of my existence. Back then, I was hesitant to acknowledge my mental health struggle. I thought maybe it was all in my mind that I felt so lonely and sad for no particular reason. I thought it was normal and that every individual deals with that kind of emotional phase in life. I never knew that something was wrong – or I didn’t acknowledge it, to say the least.

However, the hidden signs of depression are not that friendly. There were times that, as much as I wanted to ignore them, they kept on coming back. I am not sure if those warning signals ever go away, but I am pretty sure they are causing me a hell of mental and emotional damage.

There are hidden signs of depression that all of us must be aware of. Learn how to cope with the mental health condition.


Fortunately, today, I am more than careful about things around me. As much as possible, I try to learn more about my stressors to keep them away and not trigger my hidden depression or smiling depression. Thus, I am confident I can now distinguish the hidden signs of depression. Of course, I sometimes make mistakes and a couple of small assumptions. I am not a specialist in handling mental health issues, though. But at least I am paying close attention to my overall emotional and mental health. Here’s to the frequently asked questions that guided me along the way of my mental health journey.

Managing My Depression

By knowing some of the unnoticeable signs of depression, I was able to spot them and manage my mental health better. I now understand that sadness, irritability, and fatigue can all be signs of major depressive disorder, and I have learned to recognize when these feelings might be signaling a more serious issue. I have also learned to be mindful of my thoughts and feelings, which helps me identify and address any underlying issues.

Additionally, I am more aware of my triggers and know how to manage them. I can recognize when I am feeling overwhelmed and can take steps to lower my stress levels. I also know when I need to take a break and give myself time to rest and relax. I have learned that self-care is essential to managing my own mental well-being.

It has taken me a lot of hard work and dedication, but I am now better equipped to recognize and address the signs of depression which are most of the time not noticed or seen. I am proud of the progress I have made and continue to make in my mental health journey.

Recognizing Struggles

Though I have come a long way in my mental health journey, there are still times when I struggle. I have learned that it is important to reach out for help when I am feeling overwhelmed. I have found comfort in talking to friends and family and accepting healthcare professionals’ help to be incredibly beneficial. Through therapy, I have been able to gain insight into my mental health, understand my triggers, and develop coping strategies for managing my depression.

It is important to remember that mental health is something that needs to be taken seriously. It is not something to be ignored or brushed aside, assuming that it is nothing but a phase that will go away on its own. Learning to recognize the signs of depression and developing strategies to manage them can make a huge difference in improving one’s mental health. I am thankful that I have become more aware of my mental health and am now better equipped to manage it.

My journey has been challenging, but it has also been rewarding. I have learned a lot about myself and am now better able to take control of my mental health. I am thankful for the progress I have made and the emotional support I have received along the way. I hope that my story can serve as an example to others and provide them with the hope and courage to take control of their mental health and recognize the masked signs that somebody is going through depression.

Wrapping Up

If you are struggling with mental health, please remember that you are not alone. There is help available, and you can get the support you need to improve your mental health. Reach out to your family, friends, or a mental health professional for help. You can also look for mental health resources online or in your community or maybe seek suicide prevention help. Taking action and recognizing the masked indications of depression can make a huge difference in your life.

Is It Possible To Diagnose Yourself With MDD (Major Depressive Disorder)?

No, it is not possible to diagnose yourself with depression. It can only be possible if you, yourself, are a licensed and certified psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or counselor with knowledge and expertise in the field. You can read about the depression symptoms on social media or other sources, and if you see these signs, you cannot assume right away. You have to go to a mental health expert and ask for their advice. You have to go to a mental health expert and ask for their advice.

What Is The Most Reliable Symptoms Of MDD?

The very common symptom of people with depression is the feeling of extreme sadness. While there are many signs and symptoms of depression, feeling very sad is a common factor in people with the said disorder. If you feel so sad, which lasts for more than two weeks, and you cannot function properly in your day-to-day life, you might be depressed, and with that, you need to see a professional in mental health.

But of course, there are instances or scenarios in life that can cause typical sadness. Do not always assume that when you are dealing with emotional changes, it is already depression. There is more to mental health than just feeling sad.

Pay close attention to the other hidden depression symptoms that also get in the way of your emotional, physical, and mental capabilities aside from extreme sadness.

Sometimes, some of these signs that one is already going through something big is still hidden or masked.


What Are The Warning Indications Of A Mental Breakdown?

The most prevalent warning signs that a person is experiencing or about to experience a mental breakdown include depressive mood disorders like feeling hopeless or thoughts of self-harm using other potentially harmful objects, extreme anxiety like stomach pains, dizzy spells, high blood pressure and tension, insomnia, hallucinations, and extreme emotional outbursts or mood swings. If you or a loved one manifest these, go to a psychologist or psychiatrist immediately.

What Are The Warning Indications That A Person Has Poor Mental Health?

A person with poor mental health with manifest signs like sad or depressed feelings, change in emotions, eating less or overeating, sleeping less or not sleeping much, oversleeping, social withdrawal, very sensitive, focus issues, apathetic behavior, disconnection, irrational thinking, fear, and unusual behavior not seemingly of the person. See a mental health professional immediately if this happens to you.

What Is The Tattoo Symbol For MDD?

There are many depression tattoos, and one of them is the semicolon. Having a tattoo is now considered a way to express oneself. The tattoo symbolizes strength and hope for most. Seeing it every single day is a reminder that depression can be overcome.

What Specific Color Is Associated With Someone Who Is Undergoing Persistent Low Mood?

Some say that depression is the color gray. It usually refers to one’s state of mind, according to ScienceDaily.

Though gray represents balance and neutrality in some cases, it somehow carries negative association, for the most part, when it comes to grief and depression.

Why Is A Semicolon A Symbol Pertaining To Mental Health Illnesses Like Depression?

It was initiated in 2015 by UpWorthy and called Project Semicolon. It means “I am still here,” and this visual is a movement that lets people know that there is hope and love for those fighting depression, self-harm, addiction, and suicidal thinking.

There is hope.


A Few Final Thoughts And Takeaways To Consider

I know that handling depression is not easy, and I would not suggest it to anyone to deal with their mental and emotional health issues alone. Yes, there may be some hidden signs that you often think you can handle the pressure on your own, but believe me, there is no such severe mental illness that you can deal with without professional help. The only way you can walk away from the damage of depression is by realizing that it exists and is about to stay for a long period. Never underestimate what mental health conditions can do to your overall wellness. Because in an instant, it can break and tear you down.

Again, if you are dealing with a mental health issue such as major depressive disorder and even bipolar disorder, but are unfamiliar with the warning signs, take time to learn more about it. It is much better to spend time reading and understanding mental illness rather than building assumptions about it. It will also help if you talk to someone about what you are going through with biological and chemical differences to guide you with the right coping methods.



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